• Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

REPORT: Queens Park turn down SFA offer at Hampden after Rangers agreement


Jul 17, 2024 #Rangers fc

According to the Daily Record, Queens Park has declined an opportunity to share Hampden Park with Rangers at the beginning of next season.

Owner Willie Haughey has opted to “press pause” on Queens Park’s return to Hampden in a spirit of cooperation and goodwill.

The Scottish FA had offered Queens Park the chance to continue playing at Hampden, but the Championship side turned down the offer. Discussions between John Bennett and Haughey concluded that prolonged use of the pitch by two teams could result in excessive wear and tear over time.

Rangers set to start season in Hampden Park

It appears that the issues surrounding Ibrox are finally nearing resolution.

Despite positive developments like new player arrivals, the question of Rangers’ initial venue for the season has lingered. While Murrayfield was also considered, Hampden emerged as the most logical choice.

During the process, there were even discussions about Philippe Clement’s team potentially playing at an unfinished Ibrox [Scottish Daily Mail, July 5, page 120] after negotiations hit obstacles.


While this option was viable, selecting Hampden undoubtedly offers the best solution to simplify and ensure fairness for fans holding season tickets.

The ongoing saga at Ibrox recently led to a dismissal within the club [Scottish Sun, June 20], and the conclusion of this matter is likely a relief for all parties involved.

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